Saturday, May 2, 2009

i am not studying for my finals or working on my final papers because i am sick and i am sad. i am thinking about transferring schools because i don't know if i like purdue, but at the same time, i don't know if i don't like purdue. and i just got into this co-op house, so maybe that will make next year great. but what if it makes next year awful? i guess i am just lonely because all my closest friends here are really flaky people. so it makes me feel like none of them want to see me. i know i deserve to be seen, because i know i am a fun person who can make them smile. but it makes me sad, and when i am sad, then. i am sad.

oh me oh my.

1 comment:

kimberly said...

if i could i would go to purdue to be with you.
then we could be happy together.
and then instead of being sad.
we could just both be happy.
all the time.